The Starhub ADB 3800 can display the following modes in Singapore:
- 576i
- 576p
- 720p
- 1080i
The L3200TF is a 32 inch 1366x768 monitor which has one DVI(HDCP) digital in, besides a whole plethora of normal connections like Component, S-Video etc. I only tried the DVI(HDCP) here's the result:
- All display modes have no issues with the monitor except 576i, which makes the monitor go into sleep mode. That's OK, I got HD so that I could run away from 576i
- There is no SELECTOR for the ADB box to selectively output - all outputs are pumping simultaneously
- Even if you select 720p or 1080i which your DVD-Recorder most probably cannot support, there is a special output called VCR (a composite/stereo port set yellow, white, red) which will remain at 576i to preserve DVD-Recorder support no matter what mode you select for the video on the other ports.
- The best modes were between 720p and 1080i. However, the 1080i looked better on this screen.
OK, note this theory (I cannot confirm, but it seems logical to the best of my knowledge): if you pump a 720p native signal to a 720p capable monitor, compared to pumping a 1080i signal to a 720p monitor, the 720p is better. However, the Starhub native HD signal on channels 300 and 301 last night, were 1080i native. If you select a 720p output from the ADB box, the 1080i native signal is rescaled in the box to 720p, and after that it is pumped to the L3200TF, and the L3200TF re-scales the 720p signal to fit the 768 horizontal lines. Thus there are 2 levels of rescaling at the video endpoint itself.
If you select 1080i, the native signal is not re-scaled at the ADB box, but is merely pumped as 1080i to the L3200TF. The L3200TF will rescale the 1080i signal to 768 lines which the monitor can take. This is only 1 level of re-scale, and therefore, I guess that's why I got a better signal.
I'm very very happy. Digital Audio AC3 can be pumped form the ADB 3800 to my external AC3 amplifier, no issues. Audio was great.
Now I'm buying yet another L3200TF. For my room this time. Under S$2K, it fits my purposes great - connecting a PC to this gives fabulous results too. The Caveat: I sell LG monitors, so please, take this review with a pinch of salt. The bigger the better.