Saturday, April 29, 2006


I've resisted making a blog for so long. I thought blogs were for people who didn't use forums. And I've got my hands full with forums: The biggest tech forum in Singapore, perhaps Asia, perhaps the world A fledgling car forum with some smart brains in there and some car virgins An established BMW forum in Singapore now overrun by brand fanatics (I just got banned for raising and arguing the issue of NCAP Pedestrian Safety ratings and BMW's difficulty in rasing their rating from `dire')

Forums are so fast, so interactive, so easy to use, so why the heck should I make a blog?

Well in time, I realised these points:
  1. I don't own the forums. Bums can erase my stuff at whim. I could sue, but it's questionable.
  2. I find it beneficial to camp at some blogs to gain some insight. Some of these blogs are crap but still after reading them something connects
  3. A blog would be ideal to amalgamate some of my thoughts in one place, since most people don't usually dig through so many forums and thousands of threads just to find out what I think and stand for, whether they be fans or enemies.
  4. It has occured to me that blogspot may survive a nuclear war which may wipe out my usual forum servers. Which is relevant today, since Iran now has a centrifuge can refine small amounts of almost pure Uranium 235, uranium being something they have in quantity. Thank god it's still gonna be fission until we see a LiD plant to boost that.

Anyway, here goes. I don't know how to update this fast, but I'll work it out!

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